A few common objections
Objection: I would be embarrassed to wear a hearing aid.
Things to think about:
- Modern hearing aids are often small and designed to be discrete, even invisible.
- Speak with your hearing healthcare provider about your concerns, so they can help you chose the design that fits your needs.
Objection: I don’t think a hearing aid helps very much.
Things to think about:
- Hearing aid design and technology has improved a lot in recent years.
- Digital technology has led to better sound quality and features such as remote control of functions and programming for different situations.
- For maximum benefits the hearing aid must fit properly, so if you have problems talk with your hearing healthcare provider to see if the fit is right for you.
Objection: I want to avoid negative reactions of other people.
Things to think about:
- Small, discrete or invisible devices mean that people don’t need to know you are wearing a hearing aid.
- An effective hearing aid will help you communicate better with people, so you may have better interactions more often.