We’ve put together a list of useful tips to communicate with your loved ones who might be wearing hearing aids or experiencing hearing loss for the first time
PatienceTake your time and help your loved one to relax especially if they are a little tired. Like all our senses, hearing decreases when we become weary, so be patient.
ClarityKeep it clear and in a normal tone. There’s no need to shout as it can cause sound distortion and discomfort.
AttentionPay attention and get your loved one’s attention. Say their name or simply make a gesture. This will prepare them to listen, so they are less likely to miss certain words.
PositionThe best position is to face your loved one directly. Stay relatively close (but respect personal space). If you’re too far away, they might not understand everything clearly. If your loved one has better hearing in one ear, then focus on that particular side but don’t speak directly into that ear. Keep it natural.
RephraseTry using different vocabulary. Saying things differently will help your loved one to understanding certain things better.